Exit Fate: Download

Download Links

Official PC version: https://site.scfworks.com/?page_id=10

Unofficial Android version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.radial.exitfate (ported by RadialApps)

Unofficial Linux version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HhgEpi7l9_QQCIsndVeJi4j4u3i_RLkK (ported by RadialApps), patched by Melvinzhang which fixes some Linux-only bugs)

Keyboard Controls

Keyboard and gamepad controls can be altered through the system menu, as well as some performance options.


Exit Fate uses the MS Gothic font face, which is not installed by default on all versions of Windows. If you don't have the font already installed, you can download it here.