Exit Fate: Meiko's Interviews



Meiko: Today I'm talking to Hawk, a farmer now providing the Elysium army with fresh crops. Hello, Hawk. Could you tell us a little about yourself? How'd you end up becoming a farmer?

Hawk: Well ah reckon it must've been cuz of mah paw. He was a farmer too, so I was raised to take over from 'im after he died.

Meiko: Does that mean it wasn't really something you wanted to do yourself?

Hawk: Ah'm pretty darn good at it, so it ain't so bad. Ah've never never thought about what ah really want in life.

Meiko: Surely there must be -something- you like to do?

Hawk: Ah dunno... Ah think about language sometimes. Ya know, where'd it come from? How come all y'all talk different?

Meiko: If that's something you enjoy, wouldn't that be worth looking further into?

Hawk: Gosh darn, ah never gave it that much thought. Maybe I should! Thank ya, gal.