Meiko: Today I'm talking to Richard, a ranger who takes care of Mayfall forest. Richard, you're paid for doing this job by the Mayfall state government, right? What exactly is your official task? Surely you don't get something like the mist problem often.
Richard: No, I'm glad I don't! Usually it's the basic stuff, keeping track of animal populations and ensuring the roads are clear for travellers. A lot of business between Mayfall and Matrech goes through my part of the woods.
Meiko: I noticed the forest hasn't the safest place to travel through lately. Is that also due to the mist issue?
Richard: Unfortunately yeah. The mist monsters were a real danger, so I was focusing all my attention on keeping them away from the paths. Most caravans have bodyguards with them anyway, so the lesser beasts aren't as much of a problem. I've got a lot of work waiting for me when I get back though. It's almost as if this is a vacation for me, haha.